Must Have Furnished Apartments in Montreal!

It has always been a dream of mine to obtain season tickets to my favorite sports team based out of Montreal. Finally, this year, my dream has come true and to take in all of the games, I have treated myself to my own furnished apartment in Montreal from EnVille so that I have quality housing for the duration of the entire season.

I remember growing up and watching my favorite team with my family every week and really getting into the camaraderie associated with team sports. It became a quality family tradition to gather around and watch our team play their best no matter the weather or the opponent.

Over that time, I really came to learn everything there was not only about the sport, but also my team and the team’s history. It was a major point of pride for me to know the background of the team and the stadium and individual players’ history as well.

Despite our dedication to watching our favorite team on TV, we unfortunately were never able to actually go see a live game. Not only were we living too far away from the stadium, but also ticket prices were always much higher than we were able to entertain.

However, fast forward to today, and I am lucky enough to be making enough money to warrant purchasing a season ticket to see them in person! This is a dream come true, and something that I fully intend on sharing with my family as much as possible.

Naturally, because I don’t live anywhere near the stadium or the team’s homebase, I needed to find housing accommodation for the season. This is where EnVille comes into play, and I am so grateful for their furnished apartments in Montreal in Montreal.

I am totally over the moon about this housing accommodation and know that I will be quite comfortable for the duration of the season while I watch my favorite team do their best. I am so excited to be able to call this my home away from home and enjoy everything that Montreal has to offer as well.

I’m not sure if I will ever be able to purchase a season ticket and do this experience again, which is why I fully intend on making the most of my time here in Montreal. I know that with EnVille and their great furnished apartments in Montreal, I am in the best position possible to make the most of this season!

— EnVille invites you to contact them at or 866-643-2989 to assist you with all your furnished apartments in Montreal needs.–